Listening and bearing witness really is SUCH an important role to play! During my first experience with chronic pain, after a failed surgery and seeing tons of doctors very briefly, I saw an acupuncturist whose appointments were 1.5 hours long. Even more than the acupuncture, the long appointment and her time was healing in itself.
Listening and bearing witness really is SUCH an important role to play! During my first experience with chronic pain, after a failed surgery and seeing tons of doctors very briefly, I saw an acupuncturist whose appointments were 1.5 hours long. Even more than the acupuncture, the long appointment and her time was healing in itself.
Listening and bearing witness really is SUCH an important role to play! During my first experience with chronic pain, after a failed surgery and seeing tons of doctors very briefly, I saw an acupuncturist whose appointments were 1.5 hours long. Even more than the acupuncture, the long appointment and her time was healing in itself.