
Also pro tip - I invite you to read the journal entry in the header image. Some thoughts from my sixteen-year-old self...🤯

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Rachel Katz

Love your early gender musings! HA! Would love to have your 16 yr old self weigh in on current Wellesley college admissions policy debate :)

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Oof she's glad she didn't have to weigh in. She'll stick to musings about whether boys are "better or worse than me," thank you :)

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Beautiful share Rae, and a good reminder to get the material out there. I have so much, and also often labor for weeks and months over pieces. It is indeed one of the great things about the ‘net that it provides a place so ready for marking up with our words.

I am also a writer and my Jack was... funny, not the same Jack, although my Jack has a similar list of what comprises B.S. “My” Jack is Jack Grapes, legendary teacher of his own Method Writing method, and author of the craft book of the same name. I recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone interested in learning and practicing the craft of writing → jackgrapes.com

As a fellow writer, I am similarly gratified to find real community here, especially after many years of searching for it elsewhere, and even making a business out of trying to create it, as I discussed here recently:


Love your work Rae, glad to see you growing, going, and glowing!

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Ooh, thanks for the rec, looking forward to checking out Jack #2!

It was definitely frightening to transition to a faster type of writing, and I always look back and find things that I wish I could have edited just a little more. But there is also something special that comes out in a quicker piece. In some ways, it's a more pure voice--less time to comb it over and over and craft it to be just-so.

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I use a desktop app called Later to schedule Instagram posts and don’t have Instagram on my phone and those two things make it palatable to participate a little but not a lot on IG for me.

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Great tips, thanks! No IG on phone seems like a must for me. Don't tell Instagram.

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Instagram is ..... a lot. I have had varying relationships with it for over a decade, and now I use it solely to promote my newsletter and have conversations via Stories with people I have grown to know there. My growth there completely died once Reels started and I refused to join the trend. My advice would be to keep it off your phone and view it as a tool not a platform! It’s the place time and self-confidence go to die. Also, I love the B.S. guidance!

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Got it! Tool not platform. Tool not platform. This shall be my mantra 💪

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As a subscriber who discovered you through the Substack feature, I appreciate this update and am happy for another internet stranger! My “Jack” was the IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice) practitioners on LinkedIn who were unafraid to voice their thoughts about how workplaces ought to be when the platform was still “this is a professional space/I am glad to announce [achievement]” stuffy. They - and people who showed up in the comments and events - gave me the courage to write publicly.

That said, the step to publishing a Substack wasn’t as easy to make. I wondered if anybody would care about someone else changing their minds, saying something wrong, etc.; concerns you shared, I relate to too. But I see it as a way of documenting my journey now, the same way I’m reminiscing old times by looking at my LI and Instagram posts.

I will follow you on Insta! No advice for success there, pretty dead and a “lurker” myself. Going in with low stakes images is great! I believe when you enjoy the process and have fun, the outcome will work itself out :)

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Aw, great to hear your story, Xin! I never would have guessed that your internet reform would have originated on LINKEDIN of all places but...that's delightful :) Congratulation on making the jump to Substack!

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Haha, I know! Who would have thought. The LI today is not LI pre-COVID. Thank you! Excited to be a part of your community :)

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Rachel Katz

There is so much I love in this reflection. 'Wandering inconclusiveness' was a lovely way to describe the open conversations and unfinished thoughts I love on the internet too. I relate to you not being sold on social media, that you're still scared... and don't know how to feel about Instagram (I go back and forward on it all the time) - I have a lot of the same feelings and thoughts... and that every essay feels like a new start. I also love how it all tied in with the journaling exercise from Jack.

Your writing is great, looking forward to reading more!

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Thank you for being here, Jess! Sounds like we have a lot in common and I'm looking forward to checking out your work.

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That's so kind, thank you!

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LET'S GO, RAE! There's never a finer time to go sailing <3

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<3 <3

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Love your work. At the end of a week where I missed my SS posting deadline because my piece just wouldn't come together, I've had to let go, be kind to myself and re-group for next week. It's comforting to hear about other writers' journeys. Thanks.

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"Every essay is new start. Sitting down at a blank page to begin the next one, all the previous ones don’t matter."

Might stick this on my wall.

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😃 I'm glad you like it. It definitely risks inducing a little hopelessness...*none* of it mattered *at all*? But yeah--in the right frame of mind I find the notion totally liberating.

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BTW, the post-it on my wall says "Write where the heat is." Meaning, don't sit down and write the next chapter because it's next. Write the thing that is sparking that day. Anyways, in case that resonates...I simply love it (and it's also really practical).

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aww I just saw this omg thank u for that kind shoutout and lemme just say I speak for all of substack (I was just voted president of the substck neighborhood association so I can do this) that this place is MUCH better off with you in it.

also this is the best 'why did u get started' I've ever read: I was never a big social media user, mostly due to personal awkwardness, but I had gone full bore elimination at the beginning of my infertility journey in 2019, because, obviously, fuck all those baby photos and ultrasound photos and pregnant belly photos and positive pregnancy test photos.

love u rach rae rachel - this is, without a doubt, the party

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I love your work Rae. The way you make your works expository and sprinkle some vocabularies here and there really makes it great. I love reading from you.

I'm not a writer, but would really love to hone the skills, and would continue to do that by dropping my one or two cents on topics that aligns with my interest. I have taken your recommendations and those from the amazing friends here. Feels good to be part of the community

It would be remiss if I don't acknowledge refind.com for shuffling me a link to one of your articles that led me to a whole lot of other interesting discussions of yours.

The first article I read from you, I had to share to my friends.

https://raekatz.substack.com/?utm_medium=web. Great work

I hope to continue to enjoy your works. Thumbs up to you.

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