
Countless inside jokes with my wife and children, particularly with my daughter Lauren now 36,.

The oldest is "flume ride," meaning a really bad parenting move. Origin: my wife and i making the mistake sending three year Lauren down an inappropriately scary flume ride. So any parental mistake is now referenced as and against a flume ride,

A few months ago, Lauren called to tell me she spaced on taking 18 month-old Max, her son/my grandson, to his music class. We agreed that it was a mistake Max would likely never come back from. But not nearly as bad as a flume ride.

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Perfect gravestone 10/10 must engrave

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man, i love this.

the first inside joke that came to mind whilst reading this story is one my friends and I made up during what can only be described as an unplanned, delirious slumber party. i was drinking with two of my pals and somehow.... SOMEHOW.... and I cannot remember HOW, but one of us started making up this song which basically covered the hypothetical scenario of "what if I just opened this door and a sarcophagus was there?" the song consisted of a spooky minor arpeggio with the repeating refrain, "what shall we do with it? it's a sarcophagus". to this day none of us can truly remember why the sarcophagus song was made, but it persists.

I have a solid handful of jokes with those guys, who have been my pals since uni. our three-way group chat is called 'it's a sarcophagus' and long may we have no idea what to do with it.

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Love the tattoo and the idea of you being eulogized with this joke ☺️.

I have countless inside jokes with many. Probably the longest running one involves my long deceased dad. I am the youngest of five, and probably when I was around 6-7, my father ate a bag of chips and must have gotten full close to the end. So he rolled up the bag and stuck it on top of the fridge (where we kept them). My brother Matthew had a huge appetite and would eat and drink is out of house and home. It was Matthew who ate the last line of crumbs in that bag, and upon discovering this, my father made inside joke history when he said to him, “you finished the chips, ya hump?” He was dead serious. So funny since he had eaten most of the bag. Now, whenever anyone in my family finishes anything off, we always say, “you finished the chips, ya hump?” 🤣🤣

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I love the ending. One of the best eulogy one can have is an inside joke that will make all the mourning loved ones to chuckle a little.

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I loved this so much, Rachel. To echo sentiments, this essay is perfection.

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The 'Party is Now' is truly one of my all time favorite life mantras. So happy to know the backstory of this one! I didn't know the history. ❤️

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What a wonderful piece and inside joke. You’ve captured the way paring something down—the way shared simplicity—can bond deeply.

“It’s still happening” is one my sisters and mom and I (and now extended family) share. Origin: We’re sitting on the couch, late night catching up. My mom comments that my sister’s bichon (normally chill af) is looking at her weird. We’re like, oh, Mom. Keep talking. Suddenly, Luna the dog launches herself at my mom, play fighting as she does with my nieces and nephews (we later determined my mom was holding the blanket they use for this play). My mom fending off this tiny dog sends my sister and me into one of those laughing fits where your gulping for breath and think you might pee. And we start describing it to each other between gulps. “And Luna was just sitting there.” “I know and then she just launches herself.” My mom, trying to laugh and be part of the mirth but still facing a hyped-up bichon says, “It’s still happening.” This, I don’t have to tell you, sent us into a renewed fit of laughter.

Many things, we’ve found in the years since, are still happening. 😜🐾

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This is perfect and has me smiling ear to ear, thank you! 🧡

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Oh Rae, you have perfectly captured the exuberant energy and pure pleasure seeking impulse of youth. Don’t ever lose that feeling. If you cultivate it, I’ve found, it never leaves you.

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This is such a good story! thanks for sharing! I could think of a couple of inside jokes, but the best one, the one that crossed oceans and has expanded is "he looks like Pietro". Pietro is one of my high school friends, blondish hair and blue eyes. Not very italian looking, I'll admit. The joke came by then my friends and I were watching Harry potter, and for a split second they show a young Grinderwald "he looks like Pietro!" someone said. Then, we watched Sweeney Todd and "He looks like Pierto!" was said about one of the actors. To our surprise, that was actually the same actor. Recently, watching Stranger Things, you guessed it. And of course, same actor. I told the story to the boyfriend and now everytime I see a generic blondish actor with blue eyes I say that he looks like Pierto and the boyfriend has to exhale and roll his eyes.

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I needed this today. Truly a bright spot and a solid reminder that even in the darkest of moments (life right not), there's always a party happening.

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Your inside joke is what all of my So Cal west coast college years sounded like 🌞

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This essay is perfection! Brought me to tears at the end 💘

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this was a beautiful beautiful thing to read

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