First time in a while that I’ve read something online that felt written in a unique voice. Have subbed (got sent this via The Sample btw). Looking forward to the next attempt!

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Rachel Katz

this was so motivating! the way you began talking about essays is so beautiful. I don't really plan to start sending newsletters, but this was so helpful as tips in general. thank you!

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The link to Philip’s personal essays seems to be broken 🥹

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Speaking of ‘essay’, thank you endlessly writing this one 🖤 I had a similar revelation when I was looking into the etymology of the word ‘ease’ for one of my posts, and ‘essay’ is at the root of that one too! May we all just keep searching, trying, and attempting with ease and grace.

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This sounds a great deal like something I am attempting right now. We seldom see ourselves clearly, and as you say, we see more things with maturity than we do now. Wishing you success.

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