Sep 11Liked by Rachel Katz

this was, as with so much of your writing, a refreshing, insightful take. a blessing to anyone who reads it. I wonder if part of your MGI has anything to do with how normal it is for form to shape style, and how your first two years on substack were potentially another, albeit much gentler, lesson in honoring your authentic self, in ultimately choosing a path where you resist playing the game, however enticing and however much you've benefitted. I know for myself and friends, this lesson appears many times over a life.

I’ll stick around for literally anything you decide to write.

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I love you <3 <3 <3

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I love you!

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It took my 19 months to come to the same realisation and start focusing on my fiction. Good luck in year 3. Also, I'm surprised at how many people have their Substack anniversary in September!

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Interesting, everyone is used to back to school so that's when people start Substacks, hah!

Congratulations on your own parallel conclusion :)

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I have not been here long Rachel, not even six months. I feel — see — have fallen into some rabbit holes of 'how to' and lost sight of why I am here. You are articulating exactly what I feel-say in different ways. Donahue is a favorite. Thank you for these reminders. I am happy to find your through a restack by Kelly Thompson. I look forward to being 5001 for you. Ha

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Thanks Pranja! I think I needed the two year journey but glad to be shifting course now. And glad to have you join us at this juncture!

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Me too. I can't even imagine what will be happening in two years. Thanks for carving a path — may we all say focused, efficient, and in the birthing waters of silence.

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This is really interesting to read! Because my goal when I started writing was the write. (Not to build an audience). So I’ve stayed true to my goal, have a few books In draft format with an ebook due out next week and a small but growing audience! Next stop: becoming visible to those living with chronic illness who are in some way waking up to what they know to be true! Here’s to the 3 rd year 🤩🚀✨🪽

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I like your definition of a "literary" essay:

"What’s important is that in this writing process, I’m trying to grasp an idea that is just out of reach or too complex to nail down simply, or I’m trying to express an idea or feeling that is hard to put into words."

I look forward to reading those essays, however frequently time and inspiration allow.

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Thanks David!

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I enjoy all your writing Rachel, and I especially love your slow, long, literary pieces. So, bravo and bring it on whenever you’re ready. I’ll be here for it all.

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Thanks for the encouragement Kim!

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Cheering you on. I love seeing writers showing up their way in this space. And when you speak about it, it gives those of us scared to take the leap permission to follow our own paths. ☺️

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Honestly I say on the post for three weeks getting up the courage haha

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Sep 11Liked by Rachel Katz

Love your goals and plans Rachel! Im excited for you! I knows you are going to have a most excelling year three!

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Thanks Anne :)

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I truly love this. I just wrote a newsletter to go out in a few weeks about pulling back as well. It's been easy to get caught up, in sharing weekly, even when it's not what you'd like to say exactly how you'd like to say it. Your Lady's Illness Library interviews have been some of my favorite things to get in my inbox. I love all of your work, so I'm here for whatever you send, whenever you send it.

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Interesting how so many of us go through this same arc. Thanks so much for the kind words!

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Love this so much. Quality over quantity every time ❤ I actually feel more able to breathe and keep up when people DON'T post weekly!

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Yes I agree but somehow still hard to break out and do it!

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I love this, as I feel stress trying to keep up with something that is NOT what I want. Thank you!

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I admire your thoughtfulness in how you’ll approach year 3. Writing has many seasons and how exciting that you are entering a new one.

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Thank you so much Betsy!

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This is brilliant, Rachel. I think it works perfectly, and it's something I've been thinking about, too. After spending the past year "growing my audience," I'm trying to figure out how to reach readers without compromising my soul. Whatever that's supposed to mean..

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Such a hard balance, and probably an ongoing project forever! I'm trying to be gentle with myself as I figure it out (*trying* is the operative word!)

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Sep 11Liked by Rachel Katz

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and writing - I’m excited for you to follow your heart and the rhythm that feels right. It’s so interesting to read because I have always admired how much depth and quality all of your pieces have. Your article ‘the men that shrank me’ took my breath away when I first read it - I have sent it to many people because it resonates so powerfully. Can’t wait to continue reading your pieces whenever they drop. :)

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Thanks so much, Daria. It's definitely interesting to hear how pieces are received, so thanks for sharing! I would say that "The Men" piece was a bit of an aberration--a more literary effort but happened very quickly. Sometimes magic just strikes...but it's rare! :)

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Sep 11Liked by Rachel Katz

I love when that magic strikes! 😅✨

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I love how honest this is. I look forward to reading more ‘slow’ writing from you.

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Thank you Nidhi <3

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This is so thoughtful and attuned to what you’re feeling inside throughout this experience. Trusting you can show up in a way that feels more aligned and that will be OK is so important. Perhaps not your goal, but I know for me this was a really important reminder of my values in the truest sense. ❤️

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Holding values strongly while remaining open and flexible is HARD but worth trying for! I'll probably be trying to strike that balance for the rest of my life.

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As ever, appreciate and respect your commitment to what is inside you to speak and make. And I, for one, have always opened Inner Workings with the hope of a "literary" piece [--what is literary anyway? but I also know exactly what you mean: slow process, sentence craft, the sound and texture along with meaning and voice]. The essays shared on your maternity leave? Wrecked me in the very best ways.

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